Jun 27, 2018
Since humans began interacting they've needed to know how to persuade each other. Whether one on one or one to thousands, it's a learnable skill that each of us need handy at any given moment. Lou Solomon of Interact Authentic Communication takes us through what we need to know and why some people can break ALL the...
Jun 20, 2018
Ed Castile is the director of Workforce Development for the State of Alabama Dept of Commerce. There are 24,000 jobs avail right now in the state and not enough people to fill them. Ed is in charge of prepping today's workforce to meet tomorrow's job needs. And he knows his stuff. You'll see...
Jun 13, 2018
Cyber security is a threat to all of us, not only to big business, or huge databases. Scott Klososky teaches me about human firewalls, Mafia 2.0, spearfishing, and other threats. He brings the reality of these threats to me in a way I had never considered. And Scott admits that the internet is more good than bad, but...
Jun 6, 2018
Michael Roe teaches folks how to understand their paycheck and why the amount they think they should be getting and what actually shows up is so different. He's a big fan of budgeting and being honest about your expenses. It's sage advice for new entrants into the workplace as well as some of us veterans, too.
Jun 2, 2018
Sometimes workplaces much change to take advantage of market opportunities or to simply stay relevant in the marketplace. Change is hard when forced on people, but when people buy-in to the need for change, resistance to change is futile. Tim McCleary knows how to achieve buy-in to change. His company consults with...