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Oct 31, 2022

James Lomax manages boatloads of office space in and around Huntsville. He tells me who is returing to tradiational office environments and why, who is not, and how some companies are changing their office design to lure employees back. I then talk with friends of What's Working Johnny Gwinn and Stacy Wellborn who are...

Oct 24, 2022

Buddy & Nikki Cummings have grown and sold several businesses of their own and put them in position for an early retirement if they wanted. Instead, they keep at it, getting involved with business that catch their eye and coaching entrepreneurs to grow and spread their own businesses. Theirs is an infectious energy and...

Oct 17, 2022

The commercial aviation industry faces a wave of retirements soon and needs new blood. Auburn University has trained college students to become pilots for many years and today their program is bursting with undergraduates eager to help fill these soon to be vacated airline cockpits. Professors James Birdsong and Jim...

Oct 10, 2022

Ellen Douglas Alves sat with my family at a delicate point in the care for my now deceased mother and calmy offered insight and options to a family nearly paralyzed with sadness. She's part of a growing cadré of geriatric care managers who assist families who have very difficult decisions to make - love for a sick...

Oct 3, 2022

Tim Dozier is CEO of full service ad agency Hummingbird Ideas in Mobile. His clients pay his firm to put them in the best light and make them easily found online. However, Tim tells us, search is changing. No longer is Google the go-to like it once was. And it's today's youth who are disrupting this market - using...