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May 24, 2018

Rich Sullivan runs Red Square Agency and talks with us on how to determine if your business needs an infusion of creative juices to get it going again.

May 16, 2018

Hal Adler has consulted some of the nation's largest brands on leadership coaching. My question to Hal: Are leadership coaches bona fide or snake oil salesman? And how should I select one for myself if I feel I need one?

May 10, 2018

Mark Tibergien and Kayla Flaten work at BNY Mellon / Pershing. Mark is a Baby Boomer. In the financial advisor world he's a consultant to the stars. Kayla Flaten is a Millennial. And Kayla mentors Mark. Yep. Read it again. The Millennial mentors the Boomer. Is it an honest arrangement or is it some sort of...

May 2, 2018

Melanie Miller is a diversity and inclusion trainer of national repute and brings this volatile and pertinent topic to bear in a simple and clear way. And she directs us on how to make sure we don't mistakenly commit a mistake doing something that is considered wrong today.