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Apr 23, 2019

Rights of passage change people, especially difficult ones. And the Mission that young men and women participate in for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just may be the last remaining difficult right of passage since the draft ended in the 1973. Lon Henderson went to Germany when he was a young man to...

Apr 15, 2019

Garrett’s business is not dependent upon him. He does not have a “job.” Instead he’s created a business out of personal training, instruction on healthy living, and coaching others to success. To train at Personal Edge Fitness, candidates must have a degree in some sort of training related field, you must go...

Apr 8, 2019

When musicians speak one-on-one to George Porter, Jr., they often share that he's a role model of theirs, he's their inspiration for playing the bass or the drums, or even for choosing to play funky music in the first place. George is polite. He smiles and says "thank you very much." But inside he's wondering...

Apr 1, 2019

Heeding a call from God, Marquis Forge began a bottled water company in depressed Autaugaville, Alabama. Knowing nothing about the water business, and competing with Nestle, Coca-Cola, Dannon, and all the others, he was simply obeying God's command. And whenever questions would arise or expertise was needed, the...