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Sep 26, 2022

Hatton Smith was introduced to a group of young beer brewers eager to learn and to grow their brand. Hatton offered two things: wisdom in the beverage business and access to capital. He joined the young company and today, Back Forty Beer Company is growing, having doubled their production in the last few years. They...

Sep 19, 2022

Tanya Hart Little, a Baby Boomer, admitted that maybe there's something she didn't know. In her new commercial real estate brokerage, Hart Commercial, she needed young, ambitious, and agressive talent. At the time, Tanya was mentoring Allison Johnston Frizzo, a Millennial. Through their relationship, then friendship,...

Sep 12, 2022

Kristi Bush speaks nationally about the threats associated with social media. We discuss what socia media may be doing to our next generation of employees: How might their consumption of it impact them as employees? What new or different behaviors might we see? Is there anything visible right now in today's youth that...

Sep 5, 2022

Roughly in their early to mid twenties and younger, Bruce Tulgan has seen what is needed to successfully engage this next generation of worker, known as Gen Z. He's one of the leading voices in generational workplace research and paints a clear picture of how they're different and what you and I can expect as they enter...